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There are two versions of CHIMES: preliminary and final. The CHC’s curated rain gauge archive contains valuable contributions from many countries. This is augmented with gauge observations to produce CHIMES. This fidelity translates into performance increases in unbiased IMERG late data, which we refer to as CHIME. CHP clim differs from other products because it incorporates long-term averages of satellite precipitation, which increases CHP clim’s fidelity in data-sparse areas with complex terrain. CHIMES enhances the IMERG Late Run product using an updated Climate Hazards Center (CHC) high-resolution climatology (CHP clim) and low-latency rain gauge observations. Here, we present a new gauge-enhanced dataset designed to support global crop and hydrologic modeling and monitoring. As human exposure to hydroclimatic extremes increase and the number of in situ precipitation observations declines, precipitation estimates, such as those provided by the Integrated Multisatellite Retrievals for Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) (IMERG) mission, provide a critical source of information.

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